Running Coaching

Get out the door feeling confident that your running habits will keep your body healthy, happy and injury-free!

Imagine starting your run…

  • Excited by what you’re working toward and how to achieve it

  • Confident in your body, your training and your strategy

  • Enjoying each step knowing you’re setting yourself up for long-term success

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My running plans are crafted from your personal starting point and help you…

  • Build confidence in your capabilities as a runner

  • Give you a personalized strategy with an adaptable plan to fit your lifestyle

  • Set you up with a running routine that will keep your body healthy and injury-free for the long-term

Custom Training Plans & Coaching Programs

Half Marathon Training + Coaching


Take on 13.1 miles with a 12-week training plan tailored to your starting point and goals. Through recurring check-ins and ongoing email access, we’ll monitor your progress and make necessary modifications along the way to ensure you reach the start line feeling prepared and confident.

Marathon Training + Coaching


Lace up for long distance with a 16-week customized training plan that features ongoing check-ins and consistent email access to ensure your plan is always in lock step with where you are. Plus, we’ll create a race day strategy and a nutrition and hydration plan to set you up for success no matter your starting point.

5K or 10K Training + Coaching


Tackle the 5K or 10K distance with a custom 6 or 8-week training plan tailored to your body and experience. Plus, get a form analysis and a check-in to ensure you’re setting yourself up for success as you train.

All Training Plans Feature:

  • A personalized race training plan

  • Recurring check-ins via phone or zoom

  • Virtual running form reviews to ensure we’re maximizing your potential and keeping you injury-free

  • Plan updates and modifications as needed throughout the duration of your training

  • Written race day strategy, including nutrition + hydration planning

  • Email access to Whitney with a 48-hour or less response time

Custom distance plans are available, prices may vary.

Add On Options:

  • Additional Check-in Calls + Plan Modifications || A 30-minute check-in to discuss your training and revise your plan as needed.

  • Strength Training Plans || Strength training programs developed specific for you and incorporated into your racing plan.


Hi, I’m Whitney

I’m your personal race coach and running hype lady! I believe that fitness and healthy living should be fun and am passionate about helping you reach your full potential through running.

Running has played an important role in my life but my relationship with it has changed - from being a student to a busy professional, an entrepreneur, a wife and now a mom - over time. I know the ebbs and flows that come with the sport and how important it is to adapt your training and your mindset along the way!

What if…

…You were a runner that knew how to prevent an injury

…You were creating a running routine that gave you more energy in your day

…You had the support of a coach who helped you re-align and revise when your training felt off

…You could conquer that running goal you’ve been thinking about for years

What’re you waiting for?

Let’s build you a custom running plan to help you reach your potential and feel great at the same time!